Maan M. Kattash, MD, FACS, FRCS (Ed.)

CORREO: [email protected]
TELÉFONO: 888-388-1616

1978-1984 Mosul College of Medicine, Mosul, Iraq, Grado: M. B. Ch. B., (MD, Doctor)

1991-1992 Médico Interno Residente, Centro de Cirugía Plástica y Quemaduras
Whiston Hospital, Liverpool, Reino Unido

1994-1995 Jefe de Servicio, Unidad de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva
Royal Victoria Infirmary, Universidad de Newcastle
Newcastle upon Tyne, Reino Unido

1995-6/1995 Becario de Investigación Post-doctoral, División de Cirugía Plástica
Laboratorio de Biología Molecular y Microcirugía
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos

6/1997-6/2003 Médico Residente en Cirugía Plástica, Cirugía General Integrada/Programa de Cirugía Plástica,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos

7/2003-6/2004 Jefe Residente en Cirugía Plástica, Cirugía General Integrada/Programa de Cirugía Plástica,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos

7/2003-6/2004 Becario Viajero, Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva, Estados Unidos

7/2004-Actualidad – Práctica Privada, Cirujano Plástico y Reconstructivo, Los Angeles, California, Estados Unidos


  • B.Ch.B.,(M.D.) Mosul College of Medicine, Mosul, Iraq, Junio 1984
  • Bacario de la Royal College of Surgeons (F.R.C.S.) Edimburgo, Reino Unido. (Certificado por la Junta, Cirugía General). Enero 1990
  • Certificado por la Junta, Junta Jordana de Cirugía General, Jordania. Julio 1992
  • Certificado de Registro Completo, Licencia Médica, (# 4140892), General Medical Council, London, Reino Unido. Octubre 1994
  • Certificado de la Comisión Educativa para Graduados Médicos Extranjeros  (# 0-461-462-4), Estados Unidos. Agosto 1996
  • Licencia del Estado de California, Estados Unidos (# A-88104).
  • Certificación de la Junta, Junta Americana de Cirugía Plástica



  • Sociedad Americana de Cirujanos Plásticos (ASPS, por sus siglas en inglés)
  • Sociedad Americana de Cirujanos Plásticos – ASPS
  • Becario, Colegio Americano de Cirujanos – FACS
  • Miembro, Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Plástica Estética –ISAPS



  • 1997: Premio de la Fundación Educativa de Cirugía Plástica (Beca de Investigación) ”Gene Therapy for Targeted Overexpression of T-PA to Prevent Thrombosis”- Investigador Principal
  • 1998: Premio de la Fundación Educativa de Cirugía Plástica (Beca de Investigación) ” Gene Therapy for Microvascular Thrombosis”- Investigador Principal
  • 2003: Mejor Presentación. Sociedad de Cirujanos Plásticos de Houston.


Capítulos en Libros:

  • Shenaq SM, Kattash M. Pediatric Microsurgery. In PEDIATRIC PLASTIC SURGERY. East Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange Paramount Publishing. (Editor: Michael L. Bentz, M.D.)

Artículos en Publicaciones Científicas:

  • Rabinovsky ED, Gelir E, Gelir S, Lui H, Kattash M, Demayo FJ, Shenaq SM, Schwartz RJ. Targeted expression of IGF-1 transgene to skeletal muscle accelerates muscle and motor neuron regeneration. FASEB Journal 2003; 17:53-55.
  • Hollier L, Grancherova E P, Kattash MM. Facial Gunshot Wounds: A 4- Year Experience. Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2001, 59:277-282.
  • Shenaq SM, Kattash MM, Weinfeld AB, Waugh JM, Yuksel E, Yuksel M, Gura DH. Local gene delivery: arterial thrombosis model for endothelial cell-targeted thrombolytic gene therapy research. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 1999;15:73-9.
  • Waugh JM, Kattash M, Li J, Yuksel E, Kuo MD, Lussier M, Weinfeld AB, Saxena R, Rabinovsky ED, Thung S, Woo SL, Shenaq SM. Gene therapy to promote thromboresistance: local overexpression of tissue plasminogen activator to prevent arterial thrombosis in an in vivo rabbit model. Proceedings of National Academy of Science. U S A 1999;96:1065-70.
  • Waugh JM, Yuksel E, Li J, Kuo MD, Kattash M, Saxena R, Geske R, Thung SN, Shenaq SM, Woo SL. Local overexpression of thrombomodulin for in vivo prevention of arterial thrombosis in a rabbit model. Circulation Research 1999;84:84-92.
  • Weinfeld AB, Kattash M, Grifka R, Friedman JD. Leech therapy in the management of acute venous congestion of an infant’s lower limb. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1998;102:1611-4.
  • Boutros S, Kattash M, Wienfeld A, Yuksel E, Baer S, Shenaq S. The intradermal anatomy of the inframammary fold. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1998; 102:1030-3.


  • Kattash M, James MI, Gradwell E. The female inframammary fold. British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Winter Meeting, London, Diciembre 9, 1993.
  • Kattash M, James MI. Minihip and bleeding : fact or myth. British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Winter Meeting, London, Diciembre 9, 1993.
  • Rabinovsky ED, Kattash M, Shenaq S. A new gene therapy utilizing adenoviral t-PA constructs: In vivo expression of recombinant t-PA in veins. Plastic Surgery Research Council Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, Junio 3, 1996.
  • Rabinovsky ED, Kattash M, Shenaq S. The role of IGF-1 in peripheral nerve regeneration: Studies in transgenic Mice. Am. Society for Peripheral Nerve, St. Louis, Missouri, Mayo 30, 1996.
  • Kuo MD, Chawla M, Waugh J, Kattash M, Shenaq S, Whigam CJ, Fisher RG, Thomas JT. In vivo gene delivery using minimally invasive technique. Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois, Diciembre 1996.
  • Weinfeld AB, Barrows T, Kattash M, Rabinovsky ED, Shenaq S. The role of Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-b)in Dupuytren’s Contracture. American Association of Hand Surgeons. Boca Raton, Florida, Enero 8-11, 1997.
  • Kattash M, Rabinovsky ED, Shenaq S. Gene therapy to treat vascular disease: Two experimental models of thrombosis in the rabbit femoral vessels . American Society Reconstructive Microsurgery. Boca Raton, Florida, Enero 12-15, 1997.
  • Rabinovsky ED, Kattash M, Schwartz R, Shenaq S. Does IGF-1 prevent or treat diabetic neuropathy: A gene therapeutic study in a transgenic mouse model Plastic Surgery Research Council, 42nd Annual Meeting, Galveston, Texas, Feb. 26, Marzo 1, 1997.
  • Kattash M, Waugh J, Yuksel E, Shenaq S. Lysis of an acute arterial thrombus with an adenoviral t-PA gene construct. A gene therapy approach to arterial thrombosis. Surgical Forum. 83: VIII 460 Chicago, Octubre 12-17, 1997.
  • Kattash M, Waugh J, Yuksel E, Shenaq S. Lysis of an acute arterial thrombus with an adenoviral t-PA gene construct, American Society Reconstructive Microsurgery. Scottsdale, Arizona, Enero 10-13, 1998.
  • Yuksel E, Widmer M, Cleek R, Weinfeld A,Kattash M, Mikos AG, Shenaq S, Spira M. Vascularized Perichondrial Flaps for In Vivo Tissue Engineering in Auricular Reconstruction: Two Rabbit Models. 17th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Febrero 7, 1998.

Presentaciones en Conferencias:

  • Kattash M, James MI, Gradwell E. The female inframammary fold. Presented in the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Winter meeting, London, Diciembre 9th, 1993. Liverpool, Reino Unido.
  • Kattash M and James MI. Minihip and bleeding : fact or myth. Presented in the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Winter Meeting, London, Diciembre 9th, 1993. Liverpool, Reino Unido.
  • Rabinovsky ED, Kattash M, Papakonstananiou C, Nichols T, Shenaq S. The peripheral nerve as a target for gene therapy. Plastic Surgery Research Council, New York, N.Y. 17-20,1995.
  • Shenaq S., Kattash M, Rabinovsky ED. A new thrombolytic gene therapy utilizing adenoviral t-PA construct: An experimental Model. Presented at the Am. Society for Reconstr. Microsurgery, Tucson, Arizona, Enero 16, 1996.
  • Kattash M. Gene therapy workshop: designing a research model. Research Symposium, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Septiembre 1996.
  • Kuo MD, Chawla M, Waugh J, Kattash M, Shenaq S, Whigam CJ, Fisher RG, Thomas JT. The advent of minimally invasive technique for gene delivery. Presented at the Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois, Diciembre 1996.
  • Weinfeld AB, Barrows T, Kattash M, Rabinovsky ED, Shenaq S. The role of Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-b) in Dupuytren’s Contracture. American Association of Hand Surgeons. Boca Raton, Florida, Enero 8-11, 1997.
  • Weinfeld AB, Barrows T, Kattash M, Rabinovsky ED, Shenaq S. Localization of Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-b)in Dupuytren’s Contracture: Implications in pathogenesis and therapy. Annual National Research Forum, Galveston, Texas Abril 17-19, 1997.
  • Kattash M and Hollier L. Pattern of Mandibular gunshot wounds to the face. Southern Plastic Surgery Society, San Antonio, Texas, Septiembre 2001.
  • Kattash M, Yuksel E, Shenaq SM. Effects of Denervation and Subatmospheric Pressure on Hsp Expression. Plastic Surgery Senior Residents Conference, Los Angeles, California, Marzo, 2003.

Exposiciones Científicas:

  • Rabinovsky ED, Kattash M, Shenaq S, DeMayo, F., Schwartz R. The role of IGF-1 in peripheral nerve regeneration: Studies in transgenic mice. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, Noviembre 16-21,1996.
  • Kuo MD, Chawla M, Waugh J, Kattash M, Shenaq S, Whigam CJ, Fisher RG, Thomas JT. Vascular gene therapy. Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois, Diciembre 1996. (Se le concedió la distinción Summa Cum Laude).
  • Kattash M, Rabinovsky ED, Shenaq S. Gene therapy to treat vascular disease: Two experimental models of thrombosis in the rabbit femoral vessels. American Association of Hand Surgery. Boca Raton, Florida, Enero 8-11, 1997.
  • Weinfeld AB, Barrows T, Kattash M, Rabinovsky ED, Shenaq S. Localization of Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-b) in Dupuytren’s Contracture: Implications in pathogenesis and therapy . Poster and Minipresentation. Plastic Surgery Research Council, Galveston, Texas, Febrero 27, 1997.
  • Kattash M, Shenaq S., Yuksel E., Thomas J.T. Lysis of a thrombus with adenoviral t-PA gene construct at a microvascular anastomotic site: A preliminary report. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cell Biology, Silverthorne, Utah, Abril 17, 1997.

Simposios Educativos, Cursos de Instrucción y Seminarios:

  • Kattash M and Miller M., Gene therapy and Tissue Engineering Research. Speaker, Breakout session, Plastic Surgery Research Council, Galveston, Texas, Marzo 1, 1997.
  • Shenaq S., Kattash M, Rabinovsky E. D. and Jensen J.H Academic surgery in the 21st century. Speaker, Vascular gene therapy session, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Marzo 27, 1997.
  • Kattash M. Laryngeal and Neck Dissection. Nursing Grand Rounds, Ben-Taub General Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Junio, 2003.
  • Kattash M. Current Advances in Facelift, Cosmetic Enhancement Expo, Lo Angeles, California, Junio 2005.
  • Kattash M. Abdominoplasty, Revisited, Chong Quing, China, Septiembre 23, 2006.
  • Kattash M. Emerging Techniques in Facelift Surgery, Changsha, China, Julio, 2011.
  • Kattash M. “Autologous Fat Transfer, Overview”. Presented at the Orange County Society of Plastic Surgery Meeting, Irvine, California, Septiembre 2013.